The Jean Monnet Center of Excellence concluded its activities on December 31, 2023. Under the supervision of Prof. Tridico, the Center organized 16 seminars, 12 workshops, 4 international conferences, and 3 summer schools. Additionally, Prof. Tridico conducted a 60-hour course on Economic Growth and Welfare Systems. Below, you will find the file containing the details of the activities carried out.

Past Events

“Inflazione e salari, quali politiche?”: l’urgenza di analisi informate e azioni efficaci

Il 3 luglio a Roma Tre un incontro tra esperti e istituzioni economiche seguito da una tavola rotonda con Conte, Schlein, Landini e Bombardieri

Sollevare con urgenza la necessità di affrontare gli impatti di alta inflazione e bassi salari, la cui pressione sul lavoro e sulla società sta aumentando le disuguaglianze; creare consapevolezza attraverso analisi scientifiche e spingere la politica e le parti sociali a gestire un tema trascurato e importante: questi gli obiettivi della conferenza “Inflazione e salari: quali politiche?” che si terrà lunedì 3 luglio a Roma dalle ore 10 presso la Scuola di economia e studi aziendali dell’Università Roma Tre.

Il dibattito di alto livello tecnico e politico coinvolgerà relazioni di economisti come Mario Pianta (Presidente SIE), Maria Cecilia Guerra (Università di Modena, deputata), Pasquale Tridico (Università Roma Tre), rappresentanti istituzionali quali Lilia Cavallari (Presidente UpB), Sergio Nicoletti Altimari (Capo Dipartimento Economia e Statistica Banca d’Italia), Linda Laura Sabbadini (Istat), per concludersi con una tavola rotonda con Giuseppe Conte (M5S), Elly Schlein (PD), Maurizio Landini (CGIL) e Pierpaolo Bombardieri (UIL), moderata da Lina Palmerini, giornalista del Sole 24 Ore.

Introdurranno la conferenza i saluti del Rettore dell’Università Roma Tre, Massimiliano Fiorucci, e del Direttore del Dipartimento di Economia, Valeria Costantini.

L’appuntamento è presso la Sala Lauree della Scuola di economia e studi aziendali dell’Università Roma Tre, in via Silvio D’Amico 77.

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Sixth International ASTRIL Conference – The Labour Market in a Time of Crisis, Inflation and Deglobalisationand YSI Pre-conference @ ASTRIL 2023

18 – 19 – 20 January 2023 – Roma Tre University Department of Economics

ASTRIL and the Department of Economics of Roma Tre University, jointly with INAPP, AIEL, EAEPE and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence ‘Labour, Welfare and Social Rights in Europe’ organizes the 6th International Astril Conference – “The Labour Market in a Time of Crisis, Inflation and Deglobalisation”. The Conference will take place on 19 and 20 January 2023 at the Department of Economics and will be organized in a blended mode (virtual + localized).

After two years marked by the Covid-19 pandemic crisis, the war in Ukraine and the strong upswing in commodity and energy prices have fuelled further concerns over international financial stability and prospects for economic growth. How to tackle inflation, economic stagnation, further social polarisation, the restructuring of value chains and increasing private and public debts are all topics that are at the centre of current economic policy debates and dilemmas, the answers to which will affect the population’s living standards in the near future. In particular, the issue of how to minimise the fall in income growth and defend the purchasing power of wages against inflation has replaced the worry over the last fifteen years over deflation driving economic policies. The Sixth International ASTRIL Conference aims to bring together works in these fields on both theoretical and empirical grounds.

The YSI Pre-conference @ ASTRIL 2023 will take place on January 18.

More information here.

Worskhop – David Card – What Do We Need to Know to Evaluate Minimum Wage Policy Proposals – Co-Organized with INPS

3 November 2022 – Palazzo Wedekind

Thursday, November 3, 2022, 15.30 p.m., Prof. David Card (Nobel Laureate 2021, University of California at Berkeley) will be a keynote speaker in the workshop “What Do We need to Know to Evaluate Minimum Wage Policy Proposals”, co-organized with INPS at Palazzo Wedekind (Piazza Colonna 366, Roma).

The workshop will be introduced by Pasquale Tridico (INPS – President). The author will discuss with Daniele Checchi (INPS-DCSR) and Eliana Viviano (Bank of Italy).

Seminar – Andrea Bernardi – The invention of a British ‘cassa integrazione guadagni’ and a revival of trade unionism in Britain

16 May 2022 – Roma Tre University Department of Economics

Monday, May 16, 2022, 8.30 am., Dr. Andrea Bernardi (Oxford Brookes University) will hold the seminar “The invention of a British ‘cassa integrazione guadagni’ and a revival of trade unionism in Britain”, at the Department of Economics of Roma Tre University. Via Silvio d’Amico 77, Roma, Room 18. The Seminar is organized by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Labour, Welfare and Social Rights in Europe” and by the Department of Economics.

The Seminar is part of the course “Global Economy and Labour Rights”, taught by Dr. Maria Giovannone, who will be the discussant for the event.

Seminar – Dario Guarascio – Digitalization and labor market inequalities: empirical evidence on Italy

11 April 2022 – Roma Tre University Department of Economics

Monday, April 11, 2022, 2.30 pm., Dr. Dario Guarascio (Sapienza – University of Rome) will hold the seminar “Digitalization and labor market inequalities: empirical evidence on Italy”, at the Department of Economics of Roma Tre University. Via Silvio d’Amico 77, Roma, Room 21. The Seminar is organized by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Labour, Welfare and Social Rights in Europe” and by the Department of Economics. Prof. Pasquale Tridico (Roma Tre University, INPS President) will introduce the event.

Download the announcement here.

Seminar – Francesco Saraceno – Quoi qu’il en coûte: The Pandemics Test for the French Welfare State

21 March 2022 – Roma Tre University Department of Economics

Monday, March 21, 2022, 3 pm., Prof. Francesco Saraceno (Sciences Po) will hold the seminar “Quoi qu’il en coûte: The Pandemics Test for the French Welfare State”, at the Department of Economics of Roma Tre University. Via Silvio d’Amico 77, Roma, Room 21. The Seminar is organized by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence “Labour, Welfare and Social Rights in Europe” and by the Department of Economics. Prof. Pasquale Tridico (Roma Tre University, INPS President) will introduce the event.

More info here.

Download the announcement here.